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Samirathou Tchibozo, Niger: Five Daring African Women to Know for International Women’s Day

Q&A with Samirathou Tchibozo To commemorate International Women’s Day 2022, we met with Samirathou (Samira) Tchibozo, who joined Pathfinder International…

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Pathfinder works with the Ministry of Health and local partners to strengthen health services and advance sexual and reproductive health and rights. We partner with women, men, and youth, particularly in community settings, to promote gender-equitable practices and address stigma related to contraceptive use. In addition, we engage women in building the resilience of their families and communities to climate change.  

Pathfinder works closely with the Ministry of Public Health and other local partners to strengthen reproductive health services and expand contraceptive choices among women and young people in Niger. Our programs build the resilience of women to adapt to the effects of climate change. We increase men’s and boys’ knowledge of family planning and mobilize them to promote gender equity. We also ensure gender-based violence survivors can access the timely support and care they need. 

  • Contraceptive Choice  
    Pathfinder supports women in Niger to make their own reproductive choices. We do this by engaging men and boys to support contraceptive use, strengthening services at health facilities through health worker trainings, ensuring availability of essential equipment and supplies, strengthening data collection and reporting, and extending health services to make them more available to remote populations. We collaborate closely with the Ministry of Public Health, leveraging our relationships with the government to advocate for political commitments in support of family planning services. 
  • Postabortion Care  
    We work with community leaders and civil society organizations to create an enabling social environment where girls and women have access to quality postabortion information and services, free from stigma and discrimination. Pathfinder strengthens postabortion care at health facilities through the provision of training and equipment, and dissemination of revised national standards and guidelines. In addition, we work with other local, national and international organizations to advocate for inclusion of postabortion care-related indicators in the National Health Information System. 
  • Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights 
    Pathfinder works with youth organizations to jointly develop young people’s sexual and reproductive health knowledge and skills so that they can make informed decisions and shift unhealthy attitudes so that they can realize their sexual and reproductive rights. In addition, Pathfinder works with communities to create enabling social norms that support rights-based, youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health programs and services. We advocate for an enabling policy environment and necessary resources that allow young people to access their sexual and reproductive rights. 
  • Climate Migrants and Women’s Resilience to Climate Change 
    Pathfinder supports economic empowerment and health resilience among young women affected by climate change-induced seasonal migration in rural areas. We improve the knowledge and use of reproductive health, family planning, and gender-based violence services among young migrant and non-migrant women and reduce their vulnerability by strengthening their economic and financial empowerment. Together with community leaders, we implement context-specific behavior change communication activities to help communities understand the risks and consequences of migration. 

Emergency in Niger

Your emergency gift can keep our programs running and help get women and girls in Niger through this period of instability.

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Samirathou Tchibozo, Niger: Five Daring African Women to Know for International Women’s Day

Q&A with Samirathou Tchibozo To commemorate International Women’s Day 2022, we met with Samirathou (Samira) Tchibozo, who joined Pathfinder International…

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