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Advancing Digital Health to Improve AYSRHR in Bangladesh

Advancing Digital Health to Improve the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youth in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has made remarkable progress introducing digital solutions to tackle urgent public health challenges. Strong commitments from the government have driven a rapid expansion in the use of mobile and electronic technology to reach more people with vital health information and services. Despite this progress, few digital health initiatives have focused on meeting the family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) needs of a dynamic and growing population—Bangladesh’s young people. Pathfinder is changing this.

In close collaboration with various government and nongovernmental partners, our USAID-funded Accelerating Universal Access to Family Planning project, known as Shukhi Jibon, is bridging physical distances and connecting young people—who are frequent users and early adopters of technology—to the quality SRHR information and services they need.

This technical brief highlights the project’s numerous cohesive, scalable, and sustainable digital health solutions to strengthen adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights across Bangladesh.

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