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Estrella Alcalde


Technical Director

Ms. Alcalde has over 20 years of experience working in the development field. She has deep experience managing and coordinating projects to bolster sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in Africa, with a focus on gender equality and gender transformative approaches.  

In her 10 years working at Pathfinder in Mozambique, Estrella has managed a diverse portfolio of projects, ranging from the prevention and response to gender-based violence to the promotion of adolescents and youth sexual and reproductive rights.  She led Pathfinder’s work with very young adolescents including the work on prevention of child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM) in Mozambique.  

In her experience managing large, complex health projects, Estrella has overseen teams of up to 25 people, while also managing implementing partners and coordinating with national and regional government institutions. She has worked with partner NGOs as well as with bilateral and multilateral institutions.  

Estrella has a bachelor’s degree on Political Science and International Relations and holds a master’s degree on Gender and Development.