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Innovation & Approach

Country-Led Strategy

A locally led, global network: Our strategies, programs, budgets, projects, and decision-making are centered in the countries where we work and supported by our global network of Pathfinders. Our local teams, working with their country governments and other stakeholders, have the resources and capacities to drive sustained impact for the people we serve.

Moving Power to the Countries Where Pathfinder Works 

Pathfinder’s mission has long relied on the local expertise of individuals in the countries where our programs operate.

The knowledge of the people we serve and our understanding of their local languages, cultures, and histories inform our response. From program design through implementation and institutionalization, we listen closely to our community partners and run programs that drive sustained local impact.  

Today, we are moving assertively to make sure our leadership and organizational structures reflect a country-led, community-focused model, and equity and inclusivity are at the heart of everything we do. We are bringing leadership, resources, and decision-making directly to the countries where we work. Our locally led organization is run from the countries we serve, allowing decisions to be made close to our work, and delivering optimal impact and accountability.  

Pathfinder’s Global Leadership Council

Pathfinder’s Global Leadership Council brings together senior leaders from the organization’s offices in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia with members of its existing management team to lead and make key decisions for the organization. The Global Leadership Council reflects Pathfinder’s commitment to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive governance structure, building upon the organization’s history of locally led development.

Pathfinder Presidents

Pathfinder has two Presidents, a President, Africa, and a President, South Asia, Middle East and North Africa. Pathfinder’s Presidents are based in the regions they lead, providing close oversight of country programs, fostering important new partnerships across their regions, and developing locally relevant strategies that will allow Pathfinder to deliver on its mission and advance country-led solutions for sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Pathfinder’s core values compel us to act against systemic racism, discrimination, and injustice, and to examine the role of Western aid in perpetuating colonial practices through humanitarian work and global health. We are committed to ensuring DEI is foundational to both our business model and organizational values. Pathfinder’s Global DEI Council represents the geographical areas where Pathfinder currently works and ensures DEI activities are connected to Pathfinder’s mission and embedded within our policies and systems.

Countries using this approach
Featured Projects

Youth Champions for Climate Resilience in West Africa (YCC)

The Youth Champions for Climate Resilience in West Africa (YCC) project is funded by Fondation CHANEL and implemented by Pathfinder…

FC2 Education and Promotion Project, Africa

The FC2 Education and Promotion Project, Africa is funded by the Female Health Company and implemented by Pathfinder International. Now…

Preventing Child Marriage in Cabo Delgado

Preventing Child Marriage in Cabo Delgado improves the lives and livelihoods of adolescent girls and young women by  reducing child,…

Hands Off II

Hands Off II seeks to reduce all forms of violence against sex workers and violations of their human rights in…

Shaping Adolescent Girls’ and Young Women’s Lives through Improved Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes

The project, which takes place in 12 districts across three provinces—Maputo City, Cabo Delgado, and Maputo provinces—reaches adolescent girls and…

USAID Efficiencies for Clinical HIV Outcomes (ECHO)

In Mozambique, Pathfinder supports the Government of Mozambique to achieve HIV and AIDS epidemic control and establish a sustainable government-led…

Women-Led Climate Resilience (WLCR)

In Egypt, Pathfinder is working together with its partners to establish greener health clinics and communities The Women-Led Climate Resilience…

Strengthening Health Systems to Increase Access to Post-Pregnancy Family Planning (Qadam-Ba-Qadam)

This project seeks to ensure provincial health departments in Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, and Balochistan offer quality postpartum and postabortion…

Promoting Results and Outcomes through Policy and Economic Levers (PROPEL) Adapt

By working with partners to strengthen policy, advocacy, financing, and governance, PROPEL Adapt aims to build the resilience of health…

Building Healthy Families

The Building Healthy Families (BHF), funded by the US Agency for International Development, seeks to improve health outcomes in Pakistan…

Droit en Santé Sexuel et Reproductive – Ado & Jeunes

Nearly 30% of women in the DRC have experienced sexual violence. We are working to change that. Pathfinder joins local partners…

USAID Kulawa

Health Services Delivery Activity in Niger USAID Kuwala improves health, family planning, and nutrition outcomes in Niger’s Maradi, Zinder, and…

Featured Stories & Perspectives

South-South Learning is Key to Localization of Global Health

As we strengthen our locally led approaches to country programs and operations in every country where Pathfinder works, we must…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Stewarding Global & Multi-Country Projects through Youth-Led, Community-Driven Change  

Pathfinder leverages over six decades of experience with leading global and muti-country projects. As Director of Multi-Country Unit Projects, and…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

What “Country-led” Means to Pathfinder Uganda

As Pathfinder seeks to advance country-led solutions that achieve universal sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and are deeply…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Country-led Operations at Pathfinder: Localization is Working for Us

Localization, localization, localization. It’s on everyone’s mind and is probably in the strategic plan of every company working in the…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Moving to Country-led Operations at Pathfinder: Take Smart Risks and Embrace Disequilibrium

At Pathfinder, we know that paths are made by walking—and I know that too. When I started along my own…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Dr. Tabinda Sarosh Named as a 2022 Heroine of Health

As daughter of two Pakistani journalists, Dr. Tabinda Sarosh was influenced by parents who dedicated their careers to human rights. At a…

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Featured Stories & Perspectives

Q&A with Biniam Gebre

Biniam Gebre is Pathfinder’s first President, Africa. In this leadership role, he supports the roll out of Pathfinder’s country-led strategy, which is…

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